If you haven’t read James B Nicola’s story Academic yet, you need to fix this.

James B. Nicola is a Poet, a polyglot, a scholar, un homme de théâtre, and an amazing conversationalist.

In this 23rd episode of QELP Qui est le Poète, we discuss…many things and in many languages, from the challenges of modern-day polymathy, to Divinity, to genius, to fame to Dune and the Twilight Zone, to Plato to solitude to Javert.

James B. Nicola authored seven full-length poetry collections. His poems have appeared in the Antioch, Southwest and Atlanta Reviews; Rattle; and Barrow Street.

His poetry has received many literary awards, including eight Pushcart nominations.

👉 Visit James B. Nicola's website

👉 Read Academic by James B. Nicola

⚪️ Watch this interview on YouTube [soon]

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