Shane Manier is the founder of Guerilla Poets, a nonprofit art collective with branches in the US and UK. A multi talented Poet who has embraced the leader in her, she is a Creative Coach, a Visual Artist, a Trauma Informed Care Instructor, and a Tedx Speaker. 

In QELP’s 11th episode, Shane Manier shared how she transcended inertia and violence in and came out as a poet and a mentor to younger generations of poets and beyond. She created a healthy and supportive community to help poets live in their truth. Her poetry collection, Road Hunger, has just been published.

In this fluid conversation, we discuss the dangers of wrapping our identity into our art, how a poet matures, fame, the natural need for validation, the power of detachment, and the poetic practice as a divine download. Qui est le Poète & Revue {R}évolution are elated to have her on the show. Get struck: Connect with Shane Manier & read her interview in a {R}évolution

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QELP, The Poet's LIFE podcast is brought to you by Revue {R]évolution, a polymath review of Poetry and Art based in New York with branches in Paris and London, and a Learning Center. Support our mission:

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