Previous Episode: Who are you in Christ?

Welcome to Virtuous Woman  Empowered where we empower you to live your best life! 

The following content was taken from the book of proverbs ch 31 and paraphrased: 

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

Strength and honor are her clothing;

She opens her mouth with wisdom,

And on her tongue is the law of kindness.

“Many daughters have done well,

But you excel them all.”

Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,

But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.

There is tremendous Power in the spoken word, so I encourage to start speaking out loud who God says you are and not what you feel about yourself. so like we did in the first episode, I will like to invite you to join me in saying what God says about you. 
Here’s a good exercise we can do together. Say the following out loud to yourself:

🔸I am a Proverbs 31 Woman

🔸I am a Virtuous Woman

🔸My price is Far above Rubies

🔸On my tongue is the law of kindness

🔸Strength and honor are my clothing

🔸My mouth is filled with wisdom 

🔸I am a wise, intelligent, strong, excellent & capable Woman

🔸I am Blessed & Highly Favored

🔸The Favor of God surrounds me like a shield.

The more you say what God says about you the more you start seeing it become reality in your life.  

As Always Stay Blessed & Empowered💕

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