In speaking about “Passionate Worship”, the shift from an event-even performance-to an experience, I borrow the words of Bishop Schnase, the author of Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations. ‘Worship describes those times we gather deliberately seeking to encounter God in Christ. We cultivate our relationship with God and with one another as the people of God. We encounter a fresh vision of God’s reality in Christ so that God’s Spirit can reshape our lives and for us into the Body of Christ.

In speaking about “Passionate Worship”, the shift from an event-even performance-to an experience, I borrow the words of Bishop Schnase, the author of Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations. ‘Worship describes those times we gather deliberately seeking to encounter God in Christ. We cultivate our relationship with God and with one another as the people of God. We encounter a fresh vision of God’s reality in Christ so that God’s Spirit can reshape our lives and for us into the Body of Christ.