1. Intro - That One Wind

2. Trump's Zero Tolerance Policy and separating families

3. Examining the Facebook posts about immigration

4. Liberals have no moral ground to stand on. 9 years of silence on war in the middle east.

5. Conservatives weak counter in the media about abortion.

6. Voluntaryism is different from the left AND right because it has a coherent theory underneath.

7. I think that welfare states are different than communism.

8. I'm not an atheist

9. Abortion is an impossible issue.

10. Wikipedia on - Trump administration familly separation policy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_administration_family_separation_policy

11. How much have things actually changed under Trump according to a few numbers.

12. I'm against separating families because I am pro freedom!

13. The NAP (Non Agression Principle) applied to immigration

14. The NAP is opposed to this bordered policy, private property is the solution.

15. Government owned land in the US http://bigthink.com/strange-maps/291-federal-lands-in-the-us


17. You should post your political opinions on Facebook

18. Silly thought experiement about virtue signalling 

19. Free market, communism and welfare

20. Don't forget that the free market is pro charity!

21. SPACE FORCE (somehow Trump was racist doing this according to Verge)

22. Hopefully the free market determines the rules for space and not the govt.

23. Death counts in the news in the Middle East from www.antiwar.com

24. Outro - Arcade Logic