1. Intro - isn't love important

2. Owen Benjamin doesn't believe NASA sent astronauts to the moon. His reasoning is suspect.

3. I believe in the banking conspiracy and the CIA's involvement in selling drugs in the US.

4. Ancient megalithic structures were my introduction to conspiracy theories.

5. Side note - Texas federal judge rules Obamacare is unconstitutional since the tax was repealed.

6. What it's like to believe something that seems obvious when 99% of the rest of the world believe the opposite.

7. NASA Moon landing conspiracy - Are the Van Allen belts "too hot" for humans in a spacecraft? 

8. Conspiracy theory propaganda?

9. Disagreeing with particular facts doesn't not equate to an entire opinion on a topic.

10. There are a lot of things more important than the moon landing conspiracy. IMHO

11. "Experts" can be real experts but still be lying to you.

12. Be aware when an "expert" in one specific area starts to give opinions outside of their area of expertise.

13. The state is the biggest offender when it comes to global warming. The answer is free markets and private property.

14. The government has a history of causing problems, waiting for time to pass then spreading propaganda that the problems are the result of the free market. 

15. 9/11 was an inside job?

16. Preference is ordinal (aka Cardinal Utility)

17. Are artists "experts" in interpreting other people's art?

18. Music is one thing that mankind has contributed to the universe that stands shoulder to shoulder with nature.

19. How do you decide who to listen to? I am corruptible.

20. I still will listen to Alex Jones.

21. Outro - They're burning down