1. Intro - Dat one wind

2. Tried to record an episode outside on my ipad

3. A little about Putin and Trump

4. Regular people inherintly understand the non-aggression princple.

5. How do people get duped into supporting war?

6. 3D printing blueprints declared legal to share online. https://www.engadget.com/2018/07/18/3d-printed-gun-designs-legally-download/

7. Gun control in a truly free market

8. 3D printing and home-milling gun parts at home

9. Mexico considering decriminalizing all drugs. https://www.newsweek.com/will-mexico-legalize-drugs-obrador-orders-study-radical-bid-bring-narcotics-1029494

10. Ecuador will withdraw asylum for Juilian Assange and turn him over to the UK https://theintercept.com/2018/07/21/ecuador-will-imminently-withdraw-asylum-for-julian-assange-and-hand-him-over-to-the-uk-what-comes-next/

11. The left has turned pro-CIA/FBI/NSA

12. Crazy (Stupid) article about tarifs and free trade https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trumps-tariff-war-is-the-final-act-of-a-broken-system_us_5b48f061e4b022fdcc59390b

13. The free market gave us abundance and the freedom to not have children work.

14. antiwar.com news

15. Outro - Dancin