The Dept of Children & Families or Child Protection Services has progressively gained a reputation of targeting innocent parents and becoming their worst nightmare. This is the first in a three part season finale of CPS whistleblowers and cases that will shock you. This is going on in EVERY state. Thousands of parents who are innocent or just tried to set normal boundaries with their children, only to have a stranger misinterpret or a vindictive ex-partner or family member, try to get even.

Richard H. is a spot actor, realtor, and radio host with a previous education and degree in basic law and paralegal status. Even with all those titles, he will tell you that his most cherished one is being an everyday loving dad to a cute daughter. The sunshine in his life.
He bravely reached out to share his horrifying experience with Child Protective Services/Department of Children and Families, who, he states, literally kidnapped his child, and cost him and his daughter so many years apart, and damage that they can never get back. 

Join us as he shares his heart-wrenching story and we discuss some of the realities of this "agency" in each state, that assumes guilt until proven innocent, is paid based on the number of cases it has "in the system" rather than how many they are able to help and keep together. CPS/DCF has turned into a mob shake down type structure, and been allowed to run with no oversight and no accountability for far too long. 
We discuss what you can do in your area to help other parents who may be targeted, keep kids safe, and agencies accountable to the communities. Think you are safe? Think again. One phone call from an anonymous person is all it takes many times to have a single intake worker, who many times has no formal degree or education, intrude into your home and life with the sole intent of framing you or looking for evidence to use against you and there is nothing you can do about it. Scary stuff. to check out our other episodes or find help, news community and legal resources.

Join US because this revolution is definitely #NoTeaParty 



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