This week, I was honored to get a chance to sit down and pick the brain of one of the very best and well respected, Global Compliance Professionals, Eric T. Young. It's easy to be intimidated by someone of such stature and 40 years of unbelievable experience with companies like GE Electric and JP Morgan. He also has several years with the Fed and several international banks, but what really grabbed my attention, is the fact that he is "pro-whistleblower". Let me explain. Usually, the compliance department mitigates damage for the corporation. Their job is  to protect their company by making sure the rules and regulations are being followed. They also sometimes pick up the duty alongside corporate counsel, of getting the train back on the track with the least cost to the company. So, you can see why they may be antagonistic with whistleblowers a little bit.
Then, there's Eric Young, a very likable gentleman who really wears his "badge" of ethics with pride. If you haven't checked him out on LinkedIn, you should! He has some really great articles, (especially, his recent one on whistleblowers).  I'm not the only one, ask any of his 26,000 followers there. Click to go to  EricsLinkedInProfile
Please check out his first book and (yes, please) vision for accountability and ethical business, titled, Declaration of Independence- Part 1 Personal Lessons and Part 2 Duty of Care.
He really has a unique view on corporate America. It restores (a little) hope in me for the future. 

MEHRI & SKALET PLLC whistleblower firm
Offering a broad range of legal representation-from civil rights to whistleblower, they really care.

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