Women have been instrumental in making the Society what it is today. The three As of Anne Dana, Anne Griffiths and Annabel Meikle came from different backgrounds and hadn’t planned to have a career in whisky. But driven by a thirst for knowledge, an encouraging environment and an openness to new ventures, these women ended up shaping some of the most recognisable parts of the Society. Who better to speak to them than three women shaping the future of the Society today?
Tune in to Whisky Talk to hear their stories.
Anne Dana meets Mads Schmoll, Social Media & Community Manager for the Society
Anne Griffiths meets Monique Ten Kortenaar, Society Ambassador for Benelux
Annabel Meikle meets Rebecca Hamilton, Group Marketing Director

Women have been instrumental in making the Society what it is today. The three As of Anne Dana, Anne Griffiths and Annabel Meikle came from different backgrounds and hadn’t planned to have a career in whisky. But driven by a thirst for knowledge, an encouraging environment and an openness to new ventures, these women ended up shaping some of the most recognisable parts of the Society. Who better to speak to them than three women shaping the future of the Society today?

Tune in to Whisky Talk to hear their stories.

Anne Dana meets Mads Schmoll, Social Media & Community Manager for the Society

Anne Griffiths meets Monique Ten Kortenaar, Society Ambassador for Benelux

Annabel Meikle meets Rebecca Hamilton, Group Marketing Director