Join the Whiskey Bench as Henning, Kat, and Torna celebrate one year. That's right, the Bench has been recording for over a year now, and we are super excited to continue producing content. From the bottom of our hearts we want to thank every single person who has joined us in our conversations, engaged with us, and shared us with friends and family. You'll are incredible.

Sambuca Sazerac
2 oz bourbon
1 oz Sambuca
3 dashes aromatic bitters
Add all ingredients into a mixing glass and stir over ice. Strain into a chilled glass and garnish with a lemon peel.

Remember, always drink responsibly and cheers to a fulfilled life with all its beauty!

Follow the hosts on Twitter:

Torna: @Mtn_Torna

Kat: @KatJDwyer

Henning: @stephenghenning

Connect with the Whiskey Bench on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, all at @whiskeybenchpod. Or shoot us an email at [email protected].

Thank you to Reagan James for use of our theme music, The Habit, off her album, Message. Follow her work on Spotify and Apple Music!

The Whiskey Bench is a proud founding member of the Highline Media Network, bringing the art of podcasting back to normal people in normal places. 

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