Think greatly about the people in your life and your life will follow your lead.

The paradigm, must be peace now because the promise of one last war is too profitable of a lie to ever let go.  

There will be a magical shock in the Spring that will break the remaining Hearts and Minds of the Resistance. Might be 1 of 6 shocks prepared between now and 2032. 

Way out there is a HRC/Michelle ticket, the profits to be made from that news cycle may be enough to take the air back from President Trump. 

I also have this odd idea that this note in the safe was a kayfabe, anyone else pick this up? 

I think the dilemma is how can one side bring in their illegally obtained evidence without sources and methods leading to the conspiracy at the root of it. 

What a fascinating time to be alive. 

No humans were hurt in this video. 

Treat each other the way you would love to be treated

and lead with Peace. 

There is an ancient mechanism where the scapegoat is created in order to be sacrifice to appease the collective angst of the society demanding the sacrifice. There is a period of calm and then forgiveness, a reset and we are off to the races. 

Question, what will happen to an ancient cultural mechanism, when the Forgiveness Peace is missing?

March through violence through the end of all species or decide en masse to embrace Humanity in one single choice of growth.

God Bless The Universe


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