Dr. Laura welcomes Meghan Reid, psychologist and co-owner of Canada Career Counselling, to the podcast to discuss career moves and “the great re-evaluation”. Meghan brings a wealth of experience in helping clients make strategic and fulfilling career transitions to this conversation. 

Meghan Reid has always been drawn to helping people and solving their career and work-related challenges. She breaks down the misconceptions surrounding career counselling; the surprise people have at learning this service offered by psychologists even exists. Meghan and Dr. Laura discuss how people’s fear of “failing” at a career needs reframing so they can see the benefits of a career transition. Meghan also identifies three major ways in which organizations are letting employees down, which is leading to the seeming flood of employee resignations. This compelling episode will help you evaluate your own career satisfaction and give guidance to anyone contemplating a move.

“... I think it's shifting or flipping the script on how we match to jobs. I think now a lot of it is 'Here are the jobs that exist, which one can you fit yourself into', as opposed to ‘don't even think about the jobs that are out there, think about what you would want to be doing. And then identify opportunities that could fit you.’”  - Meghan Reid

About Meghan Reid:

Meghan Reid, M.A., C. Psych, is a Toronto-based psychologist and entrepreneur. She specializes in Counselling Psychology and is recognized for her expertise in Career and Workplace Psychology. She is the co-owner of Canada Career Counselling, a leading provider of career-development services, and led the expansion of the firm into the Ontario and Nova Scotia markets. She is a sought-after speaker, panelist, facilitator, and trainer, and often shares her expert opinion on career, workplace, and mental health matters with the media. Meghan can be described as warm and empathetic, yet candid, realistic, and strategic.

Through both her individual and organizational work, Meghan’s mission is to help Canadians achieve personal success and career fulfillment. She enjoys working directly with clients, managing and supporting her team, and providing supervision and consultation to counsellors working in the career counselling space. Meghan is also passionate about supporting leaders and teams in their professional development to improve workplace culture and employee effectiveness. Common career development concerns she addresses in her work include: uncertainty around career transitions; navigating workplace politics; challenges progressing into leadership roles; difficulty with boundary setting and balancing work and life; burnout and other mental health challenges; and developing confidence, assertiveness and communication skills.

Meghan holds a Master’s degree in Counselling Psychology from McGill University and a Bachelor of Arts with an Honours Specialization in Psychology from the University of Western Ontario. She is a Registered Psychologist with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. 


Meghan Reid on LinkedIn

Canada Career Counselling


Learn more about Dr. Laura on her website: https://drlaura.live


For more resources, look into Dr. Laura’s organizations: 

Synthesis Psychology

Calgary Career Counselling

Canada Career Counselling