Dr. Laura continues her conversation with Dr. Stefan Zavalin, Doctor of Physical Therapy and author of the book “Sit Less: Evolve Your Work and Life Without Compromising Your Health”, in Part 2 of their enlightening interview. Dr. Laura learns some surprising and inspiring things about Dr. Zavalin’s personal journey and how he has overcome obstacles in his life.

Stefan Zavalin details how he endured losing his vision to the point of legal blindness while in grad school. He persevered and finished his schooling, even going into the clinic after graduation. He explains that his support system, his family, and his love of movement generally kept him positive. Dr. Laura and Dr. Zavalin discuss how ‘Love to Move’ was born out of Stefan’s desire to found what he calls a “movement movement”, how he wants to inspire a global cultural change in how desk work is approached, and what helped inspire the journey in his own book.

“I'm very happy talking about it. And when people ask how much can you really see, I see shapes and outlines and colors. But the beauty about physical therapy and why I kind of kept going with it, is because a lot of it was hands on …. I definitely kept movement and exercise as part of that whole thing through my recovery and it really did help me get through a lot of the tough times. ” Dr. Stefan Zavalin

About Stefan Zavalin:

Stefan Zavalin is a Doctor of Physical Therapy with a passion for movement and health. After a few years working in the physical therapy world, Dr. Zavalin started a consulting business, Love to Move, to help office workers reduce sitting time. The vision: change the American work culture to help bring more movement to the everyday life of office workers to maintain their health, wellness, and ultimately, the longevity of their lives. In his free time, he likes to write songs on piano and guitar, critique a good cup of coffee, and play board games with his wife and friends. 


Love to Move

“Sit Less: Evolve Your Work and Life Without Compromising Your Health” by Dr. Stefan Zavalin

Stefan Zavalin on LinkedIn

Kourting Happiness podcast

“You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth” by Jen Sincero


Learn more about Dr. Laura on her website: https://drlaura.live


For more resources, look into Dr. Laura’s organizations: 

Work EvOHlution

Synthesis Psychology

Calgary Career Counselling

Canada Career Counselling

Dr. Laura is a partner of Humance | Culture and Performance.