In the continuation of Dr. Laura’s conversation with Marie-Josée Lareau, Marie-Josée draws personal insights from her storied career and the work she does through her company, InnoveLab (now part of Humance), to explore creativity. She and Dr. Laura discuss intuition and the role it plays in being creative, and share practical advice on how to achieve a reset to spark new ideas.

Marie-Josée explains how she views creativity as a circle that requires a reset to ensure the loop is completed by landing on a mental “new white page”. To achieve this she encourages the expression of emotion through whatever means allows release: writing, painting, dancing, walking in nature. Dr. Laura links this to creativity within organizations and how leaders can encourage their people to achieve the creative flow. Marie-Josée has beautiful, expressive energy and an ability to address innovation and wellness in inspirational ways that can be applied on both personal and business levels. Her insight is not to be missed.

“So how can we learn to let go of those emotions that are in the way of our creativity, or that are present, in order to lead us into creating something new? And that, for our wellness, when I do this, personally, I feel much better. Like when I feel I have lots of emotion, and I just paint it down and write it down and I'm allowed to create something that isn't that pretty, it really helps me to create some new space. A bit like creating a new white page, right? And the more we are able to create that, the better we feel because it's like a reset.” - Marie-Josée Lareau

About Marie-Josée Lareau:

With over twenty years of experience in the field of creativity and innovation, Marie-Josée Lareau specializes in the development of corporate events that stimulate ideation, strategic thinking, cultural change and collaboration. She likes to adapt every event, conference, or workshop to offer solutions most adapted to the needs of her clients. She has worked with internationally renowned organizations such as Cirque du Soleil, HEC Montréal, McGill University, Concordia, C2-MTL and Abbvie Canada as Chief Innovation Officer.

Ms. Lareau has completed her EMBA (Executive Master Business Administration) with HEC and McGill University. She has taken The Art and Science of Coaching, a coaching course accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF) offered by Erickson International. She is also a Hatha yoga and Prana flow certified yoga teacher.


Marie-Josée Lareau on LinkedIn


InnoveLab via Humance

Cirque du Soleil                           

“Creativity in Business” by Igor Byttebier and Ramon Vullings

“The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron

“Reinventing Organizations” by Frederic Laloux and Etienne Appert


Learn more about Dr. Laura on her website:


For more resources, look into Dr. Laura’s organizations: 

Work EvOHlution

Synthesis Psychology

Calgary Career Counselling

Canada Career Counselling

Dr. Laura is a partner of Humance | Culture and Performance.