Content Warning: discussion of human trafficking, child trafficking, and sexual exploitation

Dr. Laura continues her conversation with Alan Smyth, Executive Director for Saving Innocence and co-author of the book ‘Men! Fight for Me: The Role of Authentic Masculinity in Ending Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking’ in this episode. Alan details how the pandemic didn’t bring a reprieve in trafficking cases like he had hoped it would, but instead increased the crime and instances of child trafficking.

Laura finds out how Alan deals with such a traumatic day-to-day career, how he keeps his own balance and wellness in mind. They discuss “vicarious trauma”, the reality of how it can affect Alan and his coworkers, and what is done to address it. Alan shares vital information with Laura and all listeners on tending to one’s own self care while still responding to his call to action to learn more about human trafficking and taking whatever action is available to work against it. 

“I want to challenge everybody to take another step forward in understanding and learning and getting involved in anti-human trafficking efforts. This requires all of us.” Alan Smyth

About Alan Smyth:

Currently Alan serves as the Executive Director for Saving Innocence, an anti-human trafficking, community-based organization focused on child victims of sex trafficking.  Based in Los Angeles, Alan has responsibility over Direct Services and Business Operations. His main focus includes budgeting and resource development, strategic partnerships, staff development and client services. You can learn more about Saving Innocence at

“Fight For Me” are words he heard directly from a survivor of sex trafficking. Alan’s unique view into this tragedy has given him a backstage pass to this horrific exploitation of children. Co-authored by Jessica Midkiff, herself a survivor of child trafficking, this book speaks directly to the hearts of men and our responsibility to step up and take leadership in the remedy.


Trafficked movie

Saving Innocence

Saving Innocence on Instagram

Fight For Me

Fight For Me on Instagram

“Men! Fight for Me” by Alan Smyth and Jessica Midkiff 

“In Pursuit of Love” by Rebecca Bender

“Scars & Stilettos” by Harmony Grillo  

Ending Human Trafficking podcast by Dr. Sandie Morgan


Learn more about Dr. Laura on her website:


For more resources, look into Dr. Laura’s organizations: 

Work EvOHlution

Synthesis Psychology

Calgary Career Counselling

Canada Career Counselling

Dr. Laura is a partner of Humance | Culture and Performance.