Dr. Laura welcomes author David Allen back to the show to share more insights from his book, Getting Things Done, and on his GTD methodology. They discuss how GTD helps people make space in their lives for being present. David offers insights gained from his spiritual coach that dovetail with the ideas in his book around freeing up mental space.

David gives Dr. Laura real life examples of some ways in which his Getting Things Done methodology has tangibly changed peoples’ lives for the better. When you make room for your mind amongst the distractions of the material world, you find that inner spiritual world that alights your creativity and positivity.  David and Dr. Laura talk about journaling for creative expression and ultimately a focus on what really matters in life. 

“But again, part of our methodology is … it's not all cake and cupcakes. You move into challenges. It's like, okay, now that I've got a challenge, something in my intention, what's my desired outcome? So training myself to think about outcome and action. As opposed to being the victim. And that's a lot of what my methodology is about, it's a thought process. How do you train yourself to think there are no problems, there are only projects.” - David Allen

About David Allen:

YOUR MIND IS FOR HAVING IDEAS, NOT HOLDING THEM.® That’s why David Allen created Getting Things Done®. GTD is the work-life management system that has helped countless individuals and organizations bring order to chaos. GTD enables greater performance, capacity, and innovation. It alleviates the feeling of overwhelm—instilling focus, clarity, and confidence. 

After decades of in-the-field research and practice of his productivity methods, David wrote the international best-seller Getting Things Done. Published in over 28 languages, TIME magazine heralded it as “the defining self-help business book of its time.” In 2015, he released a new edition of the book, with new insights, updates, and discoveries about the GTD methodology and its many personal and professional applications.

Today, David Allen is considered the leading authority in the fields of organizational and personal productivity. The David Allen Company, run by David and his wife Kathryn, oversees the certification academy and quality standards for Global Partners offering Getting Things Done courses and coaching around the world.



David Allen Company on LinkedIn

Getting Things Done website

“Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” by David Allen

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Learn more about Dr. Laura on her website: https://drlaura.live

For more resources, look into Dr. Laura’s organizations: 

Canada Career Counselling

Calgary Career Counselling

Synthesis Psychology