You walk into the de Young, take a trip to the Louvre Museum... And towering over you is a 50 foot white canvas with a giant blue dot painted in the middle; and you think to yourself - what the heck is this doing here? Who the heck made this and why? How did it even get into this art museum, and why does it cost more than my house?!? You walk into the next room and see a shiny glass box. Inside is a fancy-looking violin that looks to be made of a rich, polished cherry wood - But someone spray painted the entire thing in bright, neon green. It looks vandalized. You think to yourself... Is this really an art museum? Today in the very first episode of "Where We Ponder" - My lovely partner and I explore the many different concepts of art and what it means to us. Join us as we ponder this topic. Check out her Etsy ( Come on in friends, the water's fine.