In honor of Earth Day this week and every week (we aren't moving planets anytime soon) — We dip into the pond and ponder the many layers of environmentalism. And how sometimes - it's not really our fault; It could be Capitalism. Join my friend Bethany & I - as we explore healthier ways to live harmoniously with our planet; Because unfortunately, going "zero waste" isn't as practical as we think. Not for everyone... Not currently. Not until Capitalism is on our side. Happy Earth Day friends! Don't forget to grab your special edition plastic Earth cups on the way out. Now with a bendy straw!! For a limited time only! Do it for the planet :) Follow Bethany on Instagram here: @bethania_who for more eco-friendly goodness / and her photography here: @kiwi_qween for visual reminders to preserve this beautiful planet we live on. Thanks for tuning in friends! Peace.