Do you have trouble controlling your blood sugar level?

Did you know that having diabetes for more than 5 years can increase your likelihood of developing the cardiovascular disease?

Did you know that regular exercise could make you more sensitive to insulin, which can reduce medication dosages?

Kim and Tonya share personal stories and educational insights on yoga therapy for diabetes. You wont want to miss it!   

The collective findings of controlled trials to date indicate that yoga may promote clinically significant improvements in several indices of central importance to type 2 diabetes management. These include glycemic control, lipid levels, and weight and body composition. More limited data suggest that yoga may also lower blood pressure and oxidative stress; reduce sympathetic activation and improve nervous system function; enhance mood, sleep, and quality of life; and decrease medication use in those with type 2 diabetes. These studies suggest that yoga could play an important role as a low-cost intervention to improve type 2 diabetes management. Given the methodological limitations of the existing research, however, additional rigorous investigates are clearly needed to confirm and further elucidate the potential therapeutic benefits of standardized yoga programs in populations with type 2 diabetes management. 

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