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The Metaverse.

You may have heard of the term, you may have watched Mark Zuckerberg’s presentation of this potential new world.

In Mark Zuckerberg’s mind, the Metaverse will be this virtual world, where we strap on a headset, and immerse ourselves within for hours on end.

You may work and have meetings in the Metaverse. You may be able to travel to your favorite destinations or periods of time through the Metaverse. You may exercise and meet your friends on the Metaverse.

If his vision does in fact become a reality with this technology, there’s going to be a paradigm shift in the way we live our lives. Just like how the phone changed everything for us, this new world might do the same.

And whenever there is a paradigm shift at this sort of scale, new businesses, industries and jobs that have never been thought of in the past appear.

What are the industries that may appear in the future? And will this technology really be a huge part of our daily lives?

Well in this episode, we've got you covered. To discuss the Metaverse and more, we spoke to Varun Mayya, who’s the CEO of Scenes. 


We hope you enjoy this episode of Where’s my Money by Tickertape! On this show, we simplify the finance landscape in India for you. So if you are looking to venture into stock investing, sort your personal finance or make sense of how economic developments can impact your money, this podcast will be a perfect addition to your morning commute or household chores.

Also, if you enjoyed the episode and want more of this, Follow us on your favorite podcast platform to never miss an episode!

Last but not least, consider downloading the Tickertape app. It is an investment analysis platform for stocks, mutual funds, etfs and much more.


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