Amber Trueblood is a licensed marriage and family therapist, an MBA and a best-selling author.

She also has more than 25 years of experience in the mental health space.

She is the co-founder of the MECA project, aimed at helping teens and young adults thrive. MECA stands for Mentally and Emotionally through Conscious Awareness.

Amber is a mother of four sons.

Her second book is called The Unflustered Mom: How Understanding the Five Anxiety Styles Transforms the Way We Parent, Partner, Live, and Love.

It was published in June 2023.


 1:48 - What is an anxiety style?   3:10 - How to determine one’s anxiety style 6:57 - Ways in which an anxiety style can impact parenting


@officialambertrueblood (IG) @getstretchmarks (FB)