Seriah interviews Scottish author and paranormal researcher Colin Kerris. Fascinating conversation ensues. Topics include personal experiences with apparitions, UFOs in the UK, bedroom invaders, poltergeist phenomena, ghost armies, reality media and greater public acceptance of strange experiences, charlatans, crypto-fascism in the paranormal community, claims of self-described "super soldiers", misuse of "Occam's Razor", brain hemispheric dominance in the dream state, "Hauntology" as an academic discipline, scientific psi research- including Colin's personal experience, emotion and psi, psychics and solar activity, Colin's shamanic sickness hallucinatory journey/visitation, sightings in a Scottish hot spot, unexplained ambient music, channeling and creativity, Sun-Ra, allegations of back-masking in music, commercialism vs. art, modern marketing and musical production in the case of Kid Rock, "Disney Rock", music's primal roots and pagan ritual, British coverage of U.S. "UAP Disclosure", materialist scientific dogmatism, the individual nature of paranormal experience, and much more! This is a very interesting discussion. The section on Hauntology alone is worth listening to the whole thing!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell

Outro Music by The Plankboys - Drinking Song from the Tomb
