I'm so excited to introduce you to Keely Proctor! She is a current high school senior in Redlands, CA and is a client of my friend Stephany Fashempour.  Stephany thought Keely would be a great podcast guest and she was SO right!

Learn how Keely not only survived a horrific fall from a chair lift as a young child, but how she also helped create stronger and safer chair restraints because of it.  This near-death experience set her on a path of advocacy for blood donation in her community and she works closely with her local blood bank Lifestream to make sure young people understand the importance of blood donation.  Keely may only be 17, but she is an old soul who is passionate about community involvement and causes; she speaks not only on behalf of Lifestream at various events but is also heavily involved with the March For Our Lives campaign - implementing a chapter at her high school.  Listen in on my conversation with this amazing young woman!


Keely Proctor on Instagram

Stephany Fashempour Photography

March for Our Lives Website

Lifestream's Website 

Renee Bowen on Instagram

Where Are You Now Podcast Instagram