Simona Pop has been involved with the Ethereum community and DAOs since the early days and recalls the levels of enthusiasm and energy that made her get involved into many different projects in the ecosystem among which are co-founding Bounties Network and organizing Schelling Point, a unconference around coordination, regenerative economics and DeSci. She’s currently the Metagovernance Steward at ENS DAO - among other things.

Some of the topics:

Bounties Network

Interoperability vs personal interest

Biggest lessons over the years

Creating initiation experiences

Kernel mentorship

Schelling Point & lessons learned



DAOs’ biggest problems

Standardization & framework for DAOs

Her project, Bounties Network, was about building a bounties platform as a protocol - interoperable. It was also possibly the first Web3 project incentivizing regeneration in the real world by putting bounties on things like beach cleanups. One of the constraints she encountered was the mentality of ownership over collective interests, which complicates the move towards interoperability. A mindset that must go through a process of unlearning to prioritize collaboration, one of her key takeaways from her years in the space.

If you’ve been following Simona on twitter, you might have noticed she likes looking at collaboration & decentralization through the lens of biomimicry, which aims to emulate nature’s processes, forms and ecosystems from the awareness that we as humans are part of a greater network. In this sense she proposes standardization in DAO frameworks & communications, which would be a baseline and  a soil ready for planting that also allows navigation easily and that would organize the circuit of information, resource and decision making.


Simona’s Twitter

Schelling Point twitter

Bounties Network

ETH Global Twitter

Twitter Mentions