Welcome to the National Historic Trails Center Foundation! We are a nonprofit organization and all exhibits are owned, maintained and upgraded by the foundation. Come see us today!

Our Mission

Promote and preserve the heritage surrounding the pathways to the West, and to foster appreciation, insight, and understanding.

Our Vision
Be dedicated to providing archival and educational programs, to increase public awareness of the historic trails, to enrich cultural lives of residents and visitors, and to encourage tourism.

The National Historic Trails Center Foundation represents the non-profit side in a Congressionally mandated partnership with the federal government through the Bureau of Land Management. The BLM owns this amazing facility and staffs the highly trained interpreters. The Foundation created and owns the world-class exhibits you find inside the Center!

The Foundation's role is to maintain these exhibits, updating and improving them as needed. These exhibits have seen many, visitors young and old. They have been touched by thousands of hands and enjoyed by guests from all over the world and especially by Wyoming school children!

It is the Foundation's mission to promote and preserve the heritage surrounding the pathways to the West and to foster appreciation, insight and understanding of the greatest voluntary human migration in the history of the world. Across the Mormon Pioneer, the Oregon, the California Goldrush and the Pony Express Trails, an estimated 500,000 American emigrants traveled seeking their various destinies.

We celebrate these historic trails aiming to enrich the cultural and intellectual lives of tourists as well as the residents of our local community. The Foundation Board of the Directors and I hope you will bring your family to the Trails Center soon! We are thankful for your continued support of the Foundation and ask that you consider contributing financially to the legacy we are preserving. Your general donation and/or participation in our Write Your Name in History project provides for the future and protects the heritage of Wyoming history! If you would like to know more about having your name or the name of a loved one engraved upon our rock wall, please inquire at [email protected] or call at 307-265-8030.