This episode is packed full of actionable tips and truth bombs. Dr. Marshall Goldsmith has been named the World's #1 Executive Coach and the World's #1 Leadership Thinker. Marshall has coached over 150 major CEOs, is the author of multiple New York Times bestsellers and has decades of experience helping men and women win.

Marshall is the first male guest on When Women Win! He has recently co-written with Sally Helgesen an incredibly powerful book called "How Women Rise", which breaks down the 12 habits holding professional women back in the workplace.

While structural and systemic changes must be made to the workplace to give women equal opportunity to rise, this book rather focuses on things that a woman herself can control to make herself more effective. I was blown away by the insights and I recommend the book highly to all women, dads of daughters, HR managers, and CEOs out there.

It was also a humbling experience to be coached on air, during my own interview. In the end I was hit with a well-deserved fine (charitable contribution) for starting too many sentences with "but" and "no". I really want to thank Marshall for this eye-opening experience.

Here's a few of the insights and quotes from our chat:

"When men and women get an offer, men negotiate - women say thank you."

"Don't fall into the trap of being indispensable."

"The average woman leader gets better 360 feedback than the average male leader."

"Don't worship the corporate God."

"Don't be ashamed to need help."

To further upgrade your skills head over to where Marshall makes all his material available for free. You can also find Marshall on LinkedIn where he has over 1 million followers.

A big thank you to Naseba, Moustafa Hamwi and Right Selection for making this episode possible.