Previous Episode: 4: Jourgette Reid-Sillah
Next Episode: 6: Jacqueline Beale

Ify is an immigrant health advocate (and an African immigrant herself) who founded and serves as director of the organization, The African Women’s Cancer Awareness Association. Her spirituality, family, friends, and gentle spirit have gotten her through what has become five surgeries since her difficult decision: to do a lumpectomy in her right breast only or do a double mastectomy to essentially eliminate her risk of breast cancer reoccurrence. On the one hand Ify had only stage 0 breast cancer diagnosis, on the other, Ify had lost her friend and mother to breast cancer. Her decision to do a double mastectomy has tragically led to five surgeries due to complications, all on her left breast, which was void of cancer to begin with.

Infections, pain, bleeding, ER visits, and last-minute surgeries have motivated Ify to fight even harder for her and others with illness. “Get a second opinion” Ify advises. Keep going, she says, for a third, fourth, or fifth if you have to.