Jovana Milosavljevic-Ardeljan, Ph.D. is a scholar from Serbia who came to the U.S. in 2014 to pursue a master’s degree in Linguistics and stayed for her Ph.D. in Education specializing in Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies.

In this episode, we discuss a range of science communication and mentoring topics affecting Ph.D.s, including:

Why Science communication skills and their importance tends to be downplayed in Ph.D. programs The consequences of underdeveloped communication skills in various settings, from employment to mentoring relationships How Jovana's experience teaching English as a second language in her home country of Serbia informs her current work at University of New Hampshire Themes and learnings for healthy, productive mentor-mentee relationships covered during the 3-part series on mentor-mentee relationships she developed and delivers The Northeast U.S. and Canada regional competition of Three-Minute Thesis (3-MT) One thing listeners can do right after listening to the show that would improve their communication skills