On this episode of When Science Speaks, host by Mark Bayer dives into the world of storytelling with guest Chris Hare, exploring the impact and importance of a high-impact storytelling approach Chris has developed and used with his clients called "Atomic Storytelling."

Episode Highlights:

The Quest for Effective Storytelling: Mark and Chris kick off the episode discussing the widespread discussion on storytelling and the lack of informed advice. Chris introduces the concept of Atomic Storytelling and its transformative power.

Chris's Journey with Microsoft: Chris shares a pivotal moment in his career, working on a project for Microsoft and discovering the effectiveness of content derived from successful developers.

The Pitfalls of Manufacturing Stories: The duo explores the common challenge of manufacturing stories and emphasizes the need for genuine, impactful narratives in business contexts.

Atomic Storytelling in Action: Chris provides a practical example involving a defibrillator company, illustrating how Atomic Storytelling can create a powerful emotional connection.

Balancing Emotion and Rationality: Mark and Chris discuss the importance of blending emotional and rational elements in storytelling, especially in B2B contexts.

Overcoming Storytelling Challenges: Chris addresses the common belief that not everyone is a natural storyteller, emphasizing the learnable nature of storytelling skills.

The Scientist's Strength in Vision: Chris highlights the strength scientists possess in envisioning the future and emphasizes the importance of sequencing and storytelling to bring others along on the journey.

Brian Janous's Journey at Microsoft: An intriguing anecdote about Brian Janous's mission to make then-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer understand and appreciate the energy vision at Microsoft, showcasing the persistence required in long-term storytelling.

Unveiling the Narrative at Amazon: Chris discusses Amazon's narrative of being data-driven and its potential limitations. The story unfolds as he reveals a crucial insight about the third-party seller side and the initial focus on resellers. The pivotal shift occurs when a VP starts meeting with sellers, leading to the discovery that brand owners drive a significant portion of Amazon's business. The Human Connection in Storytelling: Emphasizing the importance of understanding data while maintaining a broader perspective. Chris highlights the role of continuous human connection and the value of not relying solely on data-driven insights. Embracing Imperfections in Stories: Acknowledging the messiness of stories and the common misconception that a story must be perfect. Sharing a personal coaching session experience that emphasized the power of authenticity and imperfection in storytelling. Co-Creation and Feedback: Advocating for involving stakeholders in the storytelling process.
Encouraging feedback and collaboration to enhance the narrative and ensure internal alignment within organizations. Exploring whether a good story can overcome poor delivery and vice versa.
Chris shares a personal experience of overcoming a challenging delivery by grounding the presentation in powerful storytelling. The Moth Experience: Recommending listening to storytelling platforms like The Moth and 99 Percent Invisible to understand diverse storytelling styles.

Resources mentioned in the episode:

Guest Chris Hare's LinkedIn profile

Chris's podcast, The Storied Future