Feeling Overwhelmed Is Bad For Business

All business owners want to book more clients, but it’s very hard to do so when you feel uncertain and overwhelmed. If you are feeling this way you probably need a Marketing Strategy.

Without that you’re just really throwing a ton of time, money and energy into the wind and hoping it sticks.

For some people it does stick. We’ve seen people over the last few years especially who have thrown out a ton of content into the internet and it’s really been wonderful for them to get clients or make sales and their business has grown but that’s a lucky few who’ve really been able to do that without a strategy.

Content Creation Is Kind Of Hard

The reality though is that creating content is not exactly quick and easy.

If you actually think of all the time and the energy that goes into creating content and putting out social media posts, email blasts and just actively trying to connect with people you will probably concede that you need some help with it.

A Marketing Strategic brings clarity. It tells you where you need to be and what you need to be saying and to whom.

When you lack that clarity, all you have is just a bunch of posts out in the middle of nowhere hoping that it lands.

Can You Turn it Around In Just 30 Days?

We actually implement it in a 30-day period so it’s a little different than working with other people in marketing where typically a retainer model is used.

I don’t like the retainer model because you’re working with somebody from month to month to month and there’s no end date in sight.

So we work for a 30 day initial period. That 30 days is really about getting all of that material out as quickly as possible and training that business owner on how to keep it moving. Teaching them how to stay consistent and how they can maintain that strategy over time in a way that doesn’t overwhelm them.

If they need support in doing that we can do that in a month-to-month way but it’s not necessarily required.

We’ve seen so many people work within this model that have just had tremendous success.

Restaurant Case Study

One of the people that we worked with was a local restaurant. They were looking to market to people that were in the area within the lunch hours. So they actually were marketing to people also within the b2b space because they were getting a lot of people who were business owners and clients of people who were being entertained at lunch.

So we helped with their strategy and really created the marketing pieces around that.

Working out what it was that they needed to be putting out into their content about lunch hours and what it needed to look like in order to be very clean and professional.

We saw a ton of people really converting from their newsletters that we redesigned for them.

We made the newsletter in a way that customers could easily just click on them to make reservations. We had the data to track everything and we saw about a 16% growth in their lunch hours in that time period, in the three months that we measured.

We’ve seen a two and a half percent increase in their overall click-through rate in their emails and two and a half percent doesn’t seem like a lot but when you’re thinking about click-through rate and actual conversions it is a huge thing.


16% Growth In Lunch Time Reservations
2.5% increase in email click through rate