Welcome back to the kitchen table. Motherhood can feel incredibly overwhelming, chaotic, and the farthest thing from peaceful. Bethany thoroughly knows and understands those feelings on her journey through parenting eight children.


Life can often feel like it’s spinning out of control, and we need to control the chaos to obtain peace. In today’s episode, Bethany gives listeners encouragement and scripture to hold to Jesus’s word that he is our peace when we are in the midst of a storm. 


Motherhood will always contain chaos but in the middle of the chaos stands Jesus. But, run to the one who can calm the storm. Jesus offers you a protective barrier, but it comes because you run to him with a presentation of our requests. 


Bethany reminds listeners of the importance of practicing prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving, and with these practices comes peace because the request is in his hands. 


Anchoring Scriptures:

Mark 4
Luke 8
Matthew 8 
Philippians 1-4

Join Bethany and The Warrior Motherhood Collective 


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