Welcome back to the kitchen table. Bethany continues her series, filling our toolboxes with the essential tips and tools as we lay the foundation and navigate to our calling as Deuteronomy 6 mothers. 


Bethany helps listeners by providing experience and knowledge to help keep God’s truths ever-present with our kids. Today, she shares tips to help your children develop the necessary interpersonal skills to help them in relationships with us, siblings, peers, and other authority figures. 


She hones in on four concepts you can put in your toolbox to help your children grow their skill set. 


Being a problem-solver Being a peace-maker  Making an excellent appeal Being a prayer warrior 

Bethany breaks down the four concepts by providing concrete examples and ideas for implementing these concepts into conversations with your child and modeling who God is by providing our children with wisdom and insight. 


Anchoring Scriptures:
Deuteronomy 6


Join Bethany and The Warrior Motherhood Collective 


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