Welcome back to the kitchen table. Bethany is continuing her series on communication and, most importantly, helping listeners understand their mindsets and what God says about communication. In today’s episode, she is plugging in the practical.


Bethany begins to lay the foundation of connecting by providing listeners with a few steps they can implement when communicating with their children. 


Bethany provides deeper reasoning behind children’s big feelings and how to navigate with practical tools to gain a connection with our children. We live in a distracted society, but Bethany shares the basics of connecting that strengthen communication with our children and the Lord.  


Bethany also shares how allowing big feelings and communicating about those feelings is the beginning stage of discernment. We guide them towards gospel conversations by valuing connection and communicating even through the big feelings.


Scriptures for Connection and Communication:

Psalm 19:14
James 1:19


Join Bethany and The Warrior Motherhood Collective 


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