Welcome back to the kitchen table. This week Bethany is joined by an amazing woman, mom, and friend, Joy Pitner. Bethany and Joy take a deeper look beyond the cultural narrative that as women and mothers, we need a glass of wine especially after the tough days. 


We are culturally conditioned to turn to everywhere but Christ in moments of overwhelm or even in times of celebrations. But, instead of picking up that glass of wine when you need a re-set, take a moment and let Jesus realign and reframe you. 


By asking yourself these questions, you can better equip yourself to stand in truth and stay grounded in scripture rather than let the world define truth for you. 

Where is my heart? What is going to bring me peace? What is going to heal my wounds?


Joy floods us with wisdom and reminds us how Jesus is our mainstay. He is bigger than natural knowledge, and by standing on promises, we can begin to shift our perspective into seeking the Lord to realign us. 


Jesus is bigger than all of the other things, and even when you seek him at the end of a tough day, there is no judgment because he calls us. And by reminding ourselves through the Gospel and scripture, we can combat the cultural normals and remember that God is bigger than all things. 

About Joy:
Joy lives in South Carolina on a small homestead with her husband and two children. Joy has a passion for gospel-centered hospitatitly, and loves delighting people with food, creating inviting spaces, and teaching others simple ways to do the same. 


Find Joy on Instagram

Bethany welcomes you to share some of your favorite moments or maybe some of your most difficult moments of motherhood.

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