Welcome back to the kitchen table. This week, Bethany is continuing her conversation with her husband Troy. They define wisdom and provide you with a foundation on what teaching wisdom might look like at our children's different ages and stages. 


Bethany and Troy discuss how wisdom plays a role in navigating life to understand better who we are and who God is. However, using a wisdom approach in parenting demands more time as you accompany your child throughout their journey of learning wisdom. It requires deeper conversations, explanations, and more than just a simple no response. 


They go through the various stages in your child's life to give you a clearer picture of what a wisdom-based approach might look like in your parenting. This allows children to process their decisions and to walk in light of God and his wisdom. 


Bethany and Troy have provided key questions in helping you work this out across the different ages and stages more practically. These questions give you concrete examples of how to implement this in your parenting, but these questions allow you to understand your child's thought processes better. 


Do you think this decision is/was wise? What would make this decision unwise?  What would God say about this decision? What in you made you desire to make this decision? Who is God? Who are you? What is God's standard? Why would God say this is wise? Why would God say not to do this? As a parent, why would I be concerned about this decision? What concerns would God have? What concerns do you have?


You can head to Bethany's website to share comments, questions or to drop a quick note. You can also subscribe to her newsletters for encouragement, free resources, new content, and more. 


You can also find Bethany on Facebook and Instagram @bethanykimsey to share some of your favorite moments or maybe some of your most difficult moments of motherhood.