Welcome back to the kitchen table. This week Bethany is joined by two of her closest friends Caroline Collie and Kristy Wallace as they share their stories, experiences, and battles with the lie of falling behind and missing out. They provide insight and perspective on how they have battled this lie with profound advice on how to keep moving forward.  

As with all of the other lies we have spoken about, the enemy ultimately has us asking ourselves the same three questions. 

Did God really say that?
Is God really good?
Is God for you? 

The enemy attacks you, sending you into discontentment, and he leads you to believe that God made a mistake when he chose you as the mother of your children. It’s important to recognize these lies as they begin to creep in, anchor yourself in his word, and remember the ways he has been good in the past. 

If you are interested in learning more about Kristy and Caroline, you can check out their bios below.

Kristy Wallace is an occupational therapist, wife, and mother. Kristy has seen the importance of resilience as we navigate all the things life throws our way.  Through her writing and speaking, Kristy invites women to consider how we can partner with the work God is doing to transform our thinking, wellness, relationships, and sense of meaning and purpose. The resilience that is rooted in the good news of Jesus is the anchor we need in these challenging times. You can find her on Instagram and Facebook @KristyPWallace. 

Caroline Collie is a homeschooling Mom with four kids born on three different continents. She is married to her South African Hero Hubs, loves Jesus and dark chocolate (in that order), and writes, speaks, and creates resources to help people find deeper, more meaningful relationships with God and each other by focusing on better communication. 

Caroline’s weekly email will encourage you with a funny story, a simple thought, and a powerful Scripture, each chosen to help you pause, take a deep breath, and make one small change that will improve your communication with God and the people you care about. You can find her free crisis ebook and sign up for her weekly love notes here

Head to Bethany’s website to share anything you would like for her to answer. You can also subscribe to her newsletters for encouragement, free resources, new content, and more.

 You can also find Bethany on Facebook and Instagram @bethanykimsey to share some of your favorite moments or maybe some of your most difficult moments of motherhood. She has created journal pages to help you identify the lies you’re hearing and change your thinking. You can grab them right here.