Welcome back to the kitchen table. Bethany welcomes listeners to day 6 of our prayer journey. Today our focus turns to a topic close to every parent's heart: helping our children understand their true identity.


In Ephesians 2:10, we are reminded that we are God's workmanship, created with purpose and intention. This verse serves as a powerful affirmation of the unique gifts and talents that God has gifted upon each of our children. They are not accidents or afterthoughts but beautifully crafted individuals with skills and giftings designed by God Himself.


As parents, our prayers are focused on guiding our children to embrace this truth wholeheartedly. We pray that instead of seeking validation from the world, they find their worth and value in God's unconditional love. "You are my workmanship," God declares, and within this declaration lies a profound truth – that he has good works prepared for each of our children.


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