In our role as parents, we deeply cherish and protect the little ones entrusted to us, acknowledging that they are gifts from God. Guided by the wisdom found in 1 Peter 5:2-4, we recognize our duty as shepherds to guide and nurture our children, pointing them towards God who is at work in their lives.


Amidst the challenges we face, it's essential not to minimize our responsibilities or view them as mere inconveniences. Every moment holds significance, and what we do matters, resonating far beyond a passing season. Even on days when we may falter or feel resentful, our commitment is to exemplify kindness, walking with our flock in a way that mirrors the attributes of God.


Our ultimate goal is to unveil the attributes of God and bring the gospel to life for our children. 


Purchase The Warrior Mama’s Prayer Journal


Join us in the Warrior Motherhood Community and learn how to take hold of the Gospel and confidently apply it to your motherhood as you parent your children

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