Welcome back to the kitchen table! This week Bethany is diving into how to have those gospel conversations with the toddler age. If you are currently in those terrible 2’s momma, then this one's for you! 

The toddler phase is full of curiousness and exploration. This is a phase where the world is just entrancing and exciting for them. 

But as our kids walk through this exploration phase, this is a time that we can begin helping them explore God and how he is in every piece of their life.

This week Bethany is sharing: 

How to include God in every conversation you have with your child How to help your child see the goodness of God through your correction of them

The truth is, the toddler phase is full of a lot of correcting. Days are spent saying “no, don’t do that,  or please stop that!”It can get wearisome and you begin to think it's just your kid or maybe you're doing something wrong. 

I know these moments make you feel hopeless and like you are just annoyed with your child. But have hope because you have Jesus. Do not accept those lies mama! Think of this as your opportunity to share the gospel. This is the time to let your child know that you don’t have to be good enough because God is big enough. 

Don’t forget to head over to  https://bethanykimsey.com to grab your copy of the free prayer guide along with other resources, such as conversation starters to begin introducing the gospel into your conversations. You can also find Bethany on Facebook and Instagram @bethanykimsey to share some of your messy moments from the toddler years, and how you met those situations with grace in light of the gospel.