Welcome back to the kitchen table. This week on the Warrior Mama Podcast, Bethany continues her summertime series, and today she welcomes listeners into parenting tweens and teens. Parenting moody kids can be undeniably challenging, but it's important to remember that you are not alone in this journey. Bethany reminds listeners of the importance of building a foundational rock through scripture and six principles that offer God's strength.


Society offers suggestions and advice for parenting your moody teens, from remaining calm to refraining from over-punishing. But, as mothers, we instantly feel defeat and failure when the advice doesn't work and the enemy preys on these motions of weakness. And today, Bethany offers you hope, encouragement, and the reminder that anchoring yourself in God's truth and the six principles will help you meet your children with more connection, grace, a stronger relationship, and a more solid foundation to build upon these principles. 


Bethany gives listeners three pivotal questions to ask themselves when met with a teenager who is moody, angry, or wants to be left alone. Remember, it's a challenging phase, but with perseverance and support from God, you can navigate through it and foster a stronger parent-child relationship.


Listen to Episode 137 6 Ways We Anchor Our Motherhood in Gospel


Related Scripture:
1 Peter 4:8-11


Join Bethany in resetting your mind when motherhood feels hard in her 6-Week faith based journey to realign your motherhood focusing on God’s love and anchoring in His word. Grab your spot here. 

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