This week on the Warrior Mama Podcast, Bethany continues her conversation on tempering our big emotions as parents when conflicts arise in our households. Sibling arguments, disagreements, and conflicts come with the parenting territory, and it’s no secret that they can trigger our emotions as mamas. 


Bethany speaks to listeners about a word picture that Jesus used in the bible that beautifully lays the framework of how we can communicate and handle conflict the way Jesus did. Jesus didn’t graze the service; instead, he did more profound heart work by leading with compassion, not consequences. 


Listen in as Bethany gives practice and tangible advice so you can implement this framework into your parenting. Bethany gives encouragement and grace, reminding you that it’s not easy to pause, ask the right questions, and communicate before immediately reacting with a scold or a consequence. Bethany encourages us to be like Jesus while understanding that while we can’t change the heart of our children, we can pivot them closer to the Lord.


Join Bethany in resetting your mind when motherhood feels hard in her 6-Week faith based journey to realign your motherhood focusing on God’s love and anchoring in His word. Sign-up here.


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