Welcome back to the kitchen table. Join Bethany this week as she closes this mini-series on how the Gospel radically changes every part of our life. Bethany ends this series with a powerful and significant message on the importance of community.


Motherhood can feel isolating and unruly, and at times it might feel that the world is looking at you with a lens of disgust. Our society shows us the glimpses of perfection of other mothers leaving us feeling inadequate and bowing down in shame. Bethany invites listeners in on the truth that Jesus calls us to become a warrior against the enemy who aims to isolate us. 


Bethany uses a story to put into perspective the importance of a Gospel-based community and how it empowers us to fight the lies of destruction from the enemy. Without community, we become engulfed in the quicksand of the enemy’s lies.


With community, we move forward, we charge the enemy, and most importantly, we’re willing to ask for help. Motherhood shouldn’t feel isolated but empowering, knowing we have Jesus and a community that stands in truth and is locked in the word of the Gospel.


Watch The Battle of Kruger


Join Bethany in the Motherhood Collective, the place where motherhood makes sense. Bethany would love for you to join her in this Gospel-based community. Learn more about the Motherhood Collective here.

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