Migration is a human right. Clearly some people need a reminder. This week host Martha Chaves is talking to Honduran sociologist and feminist activist, Neesa Medina, and acclaimed American writer and journalist, Alice Driver, about the migration crisis at the US-Mexico border, and the root causes that force so many to leave their homes. When feminists rule the world — there will be no wall.

When Feminists Rule Their World Release Schedule:

November 20 – They Will Also Rule Their Bodies with Jaclyn Friedman (@jaclynf) and Oriana López UribeNovember 27 – There Will Be No Wall with Alice Driver (@alice__driver) and Neesa MadinaDecember 4 – Leaders Will Look Like Us with Pamela Palmater (@pam_palmater) and Shailja Patel (@shailjapatel)December 11 – They Will Also Save the Planet with Selma Vincent (@YRCLuxembourg) and Anjali Appadurai (@anjaliapp)December 18 – There Will Be Peace in the Middle East with Dr. Rola Hallam (@CanDoAction) and Kawkab Althaibani (@Kawkab)


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