Happy St. Patrick's Day! Did you find a pot O' gold at the end of a Rainbow? .....Oh, you only found this podcast episode? Well hey, sorry for disappointing you, but this is still fun! Granted not as good as actually finding a pot of literal Gold coins. But really try to imagine you find that? Its gotta weigh atleast 100lbs, so moving it from the field you found it in would be a pain In the ass. I guess you could call a friend with a pick up truck or something to help, but then you'd probably have to split the gold with them, or.....you'd end up killing your friend to keep it all. Then you'd have to steal their car, probably leave the state, dye you hair, and change your name. SO I'll ask again, what's better, listening to this podcast or actually finding a Pot O' Gold? Also, no one even would accept the gold, like imagine taking it to the bank and asking the teller what to do? If they can even lift their eyes away from scrolling through Tik Tok for the time it would take to register you are even standing in front of them, to then have to mentally process that you have an ancient pot of gold coins with you, you're asking a lot out of that Teller and it's kind of selfish. I'm just saying its a lot simpler to just download this episode.