When the health department shuts you down, what do you do? Give up, or fight? Ben Roberts is the owner and operator of Pizza Supreme Being in Sacramento, CA. Before his brick in mortar, he dabbled in fine dining but ultimately decided that life was not for him as in the people he was serving weren't his people. Ben ultimately landed on pizza after asking himself what he truly loved, appreciated, and what medium of food he could apply his fine dining finesse on. What is amazing about Ben's story is that he never gives up, uses his connections wisely, and he has the ability to use his positive outlook in life for the worst situations. For example, Ben finds himself getting shut down doing his pop up and rather than bad mouth the Health Department, he consistently followed up and ended up befriending he person in charge. By doing so, he was greatly responsible for allowing pop ups to happen in the county of Sacramento, CA. There's a lot more to Ben's story than just this so make sure to sit back, relax and enjoy the show- and remember to always ask, What's Good Dough?
Watch the full interview on Youtube! https://youtu.be/iyJWRSHKNaw
Listen to the full interview in podcast form anchor.fm/whatsgooddough
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