The Law. The city of Boston. Crime, and the process of solving it. The value of a Perspective Review via 2GuysTalking, is being able to examine a movie, long after it’s been done at the theater and even after home availability on DVD and Blu-ray as well as electronic downloads arrive and disappear. Tonite, the 2GuysTalking Podcast plows through a literal trifecta, where a new podcast launches, another Perspective Review is established, and a new mini-series gets a wondrous watery start. It’s time for The Perspective Review of Mystic River, (2003), directed by Clint Eastwood, here on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network.

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Links to Enjoy This  Film!
It's easy to have the  same great experience from this film as we go! Hit the links below and get your copy of the film's soundtrack, score or even the movie itself!



— 24 Legacy Fans
— Consider Yourself Bitten!
— A Call for Input: The All-Fan-Input Episode is coming up and we invite YOU to chime in and get your perspective heard! Fill out the form here and make your voice count!
Links from this Episode:
— Mystic River on IMDB:
— Director Clint Eastwood on IMDB:
— The Entire Cast of Mystic River on IMDB:
— Read the Complete Screenplay for Mystic River:
— Research All of the Locations Used to Film Mystic River:
— Check Out All of the Weapons from Mystic River:
— Mystic River on Wikipedia:
— The Massachusetts State Police Website:
— The Massachusetts State Police on Twitter:
— The City of Boston Police Department Website:
— The City of Boston Police Department on Twitter:

Calls to the Audience Inside this Episode:

— — Who is your favorite actor inside this property? Tell us now!

— — What “lightbulb moment” did you have about law enforcement inside this episode? Tell us now!

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Tell Us What You Think About WhatCopsWatch:
Tell us what you think and we’ll use your comments in a future ALL-FAN-INPUT Episode! Educating the public is what we’ve based all of our programming on and we’re eager to connect with others who are doing it! Know about another podcast , YouTuber or other media generator making a difference in the way of perspective when it comes to law enforcement? Tell us about them now and we’ll link to them and have them on a future episode of WhatCopsWatch.Com!
The Hosts of this Program:
Chris DiGiuseppi
Chris DiGiuseppi is an award winning and local bestselling author from h...

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