Hey Listener, I hope your power level is at least 9000 because this week we’re talking anime/manga with Bryce Oquaye. Bryce is an incredible visual artist/animator that is heavily influenced by decades of watching anime and reading manga. Topics this week include:  “The Negro’s Guide to Peaceful Protest” is being printed and will be out soon. Channeling rage into something productive. Come check out Six Bomb Boards on Sept 9th with Secret Base Cinema at Paper Street Trading Company and on Sept 15th at Cosmic Gorilla. Bryce’s current hip hop picks. Hip Hop Subgenres. Watching Anime on the Sci Fi channel and Telemundo. Spooky goth comics. The crossover between Hip Hop and Anime. Do you love Anime or Manga more? Appreciating line work and drawings of boobs. Dragon Ball Z is about getting stronger to not get your ass kicked. Reading your manga however you get it. Is there a Marvel or DC Comics of Manga? The differences in eastern and western storytelling. Stories that have an end. A love letter to watching Akira. Creating fiction in a country that experienced nuclear bombs. Bryce explains what he would do if he was Tuxedo Mask. When your swag won’t allow you to Naruto run. Blade Runner is scary because it could happen and when do we become robot people? Forgetting people’s names after not seeing them for a few years. The impact of Heavy Metal. 

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