Hey Listener, get ready to pick up some small discs because Jackie Mellinger and Kelvin aka Mistah_Mojo from Retro Records Podcast are here to talk about the Nintendo Gamecube. Topics this week include: 2024 Oscar talk. Retro gaming, a mixture of childhood nostalgia and sometimes frustrating controls. Life skills. Kelvin was a Nintendo boy. Getting Keanued on Nintendo facts and back when drug commercials were fun. Nuts and bolts of the Gamecube. A very unfortunate release date and Slayer Conspiracy Theories. You want the Dolphin? Was the small disc a mistake? The Gamecube controller. The handle for the party cube. The Mega Man X Collection. Singing the songs on a Sonic soundtrack. Getting hammered to add a new level of difficulty to Super Monkey Ball. Eternal Darkness a cool, odd title for the Gamecube. Playing a fun JRPG with your cousins that makes you grow up quick. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle: Kelvin and Jackie become best friends. Resident Evil 4: zombies(?) in Spain(?), the President’s daughter, and a jet ski.