Hey Listener, get ready to explore the paranormal as What Ya Into? Is on the road this week. Lauren Bishop and I sit down with fellow content creator Jeremy Foster aka The Twilight Emporium which can be found on TikTok and Instagram. Topics this week include: Leaving Appalachia, getting a Religious Studies degree, and leaving the city during Covid. Being a single, smart gay man in a rural area. Becoming Spooky Daddy. The venn diagram of real life and social media. The art of Researching. Low attention spans and technology addiction. Being a CIA Psyop and dinosaurs didn’t exist. The importance of education and critical thinking. Skinwalkers. What’s your favorite cryptid? The beings of your spiritual belief system. Bigfoot Kink. Do you believe in ghosts? The weirdness of living alone. Aliens Exist. Unfortunately controversy equals cash. The worst two weeks of my life.